Thursday, November 13, 2008

The 3rd issue of RKMag is out!

Julia is also in this issue, check out the work that this fabulous group of kids is accomplishing.
Alternate link

Julia is on page 13 and 33.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Julia Graduates today

5th grade - she's done - now on to middle school.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

More Wildlife at home

Today, I was quite surprised to find a deer in the yard. A poor picture, but it was the best I could do... (she moved away quite quickly when I approached)

Some tomato plants are loosing their leaves. I wonder why?

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Still after a few posts, the references to RUP from a few months ago are still pulling Adsense into those kinds of links. My post was a joke, but of course, Adsense isn't smart enough to figure this out.

I thought the thread between some former associates was a hoot, but then humor from a machine? Perhaps too much to expect...

Monday, March 24, 2008

First thing into the pool

On vacation in Nice, CA. It's uncanny, I could have predicted this.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Obscure measurements

Recently, I send in a comment on the Technorama podcast listener line about this subject, what I said was that I prefer latency to be measured in nanofortnights. Chuck and Kreg didn't believe it, but this is a "real" measurement, obscure yes, but certainly in the days of the VMS operating system, with the TIMEPROMPTWAIT variable, in units per microfortnight.

A microfortnight is 1.2096 seconds, thus the nanofortnight is 1.2096 milliseconds. Both are plenty obscure, but they generally used to slow users down, allowing them to set the parameter properly only after having given the matter some thought.

Yes, the following week, I voice-mailed Chuck and Kreg with this info, so they wouldn't think that I was just making this up.