Friday, March 24, 2006


WWdN: In Exile: abe vigoda still alive, wheaton still waits

As Wil Wheaton indicates, all things in perspective.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

New Acronym

I have heard a new acronym :

DIY - Do It Yourself.

DYI - Do Yourself In.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

James Randi Educational Foundation � Home Page

James Randi Educational Foundation � Home Page

I've been introduced to this website (and it's RSS feed) through the Skepticality podcast. I heartily recommend you include the feed in your reader or put the website in your "favorites".

Friday, March 10, 2006

IBM's zNextGen Kaiku

IBM has launched a contest to write haiku poetry about the refrigerator-sized, reliable but expensive System z line. A *GOSH* mainframe, of all things...

Van Landrum
The wind blows softly
Through the leaves of autumn. Wait,
That's just the mainframe

Frank Migacz
Which of the two is preferred?
Either way, convert

Jason Arnold
Control blocks are fun

Aaron McMahan
Mainframe, desire
But not too much, or it will
Surely overheat


After a week of frantic web rumours and tedious viral marketing, Intel and Microsoft showed off Project Origami at CeBIT. Guess what? It’s just a tablet PC, with a slightly different user interface and some really ugly features. As my son would say, "Meh". article

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Wildlife at the Posz's

What should happen this week, but we get a visitor, during a break in the rain .

Later, a grey stray cat scared him away, but when Julia and I were delivering Girl Scout cookies, we talked about him with the neighbors, and it turns out he's been visiting 2 of them as well.

One neighbor had put out some corn for him, but nothing was eaten.

Have I mentioned, that we also have had bees in a tree?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Crime (Security Guard)

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Crime (Security Guard)

Careful!, there is a new way for these crooks to charge your credit card, and the beauty of this sceme is that you help them!

Read above at the reference link